Well, it's been months in the making and conception of this site, and so I would like to happily welcome you to my new home on the internet!
Over the next days, months, and years, I'm hoping to update this web page and make it useful not only for my self, but for friends, students, and colleagues. For now, there are some useful links in the Resources section to check out, as well as a great preview as to what I'm up to over the next year in terms of Concerts.
Future plans include adding more resources for download (drones, playlists, sheet music); adding in some of my own recordings; and also keeping this thing up to date with blog posts. I'll do my best to publish important updates to my Twitter feed, and sometimes to Facebook as well.
If you have any comments, compliments, or suggestions, please get in touch via the Contact page. I've created this website with the guidance, encouragement, and help of my friend Charlotte O'Hara, and if you're interested in how it came together, I'd encourage you to check out her site and get in touch.
Cheers friends!