New York Times Arabella Review

Claire de Sévigné as the Fiakermilli and Tomasz Konieczny as Mandryka in the Canadian Opera Company's new production of Arabella, 2017, photo: Michael Cooper

Just a quick tidbit that a colleague at the Canadian Opera Company sent my way - the New York Times listed our production and performance of Arabella as one of the best classical performances of 2017! I am so happy and proud to have been making that music come alive with the COC orchestra, it's an experience I'll not soon forget. 

‘ARABELLA’ This Strauss opera has never been among my favorites. Yet when I saw it in October at the excellent Canadian Opera Company in Toronto, with a committed cast led by Erin Wall, Tomasz Konieczny and Jane Archibald, I found it newly powerful. There’s such realism, clarity and compassion (to say nothing of beauty) in how the creators show Arabella’s maturation happening before your very eyes and ears; and vanishingly rare in opera is the formation of real, adult love.

And the full article is here.